Hello, fellow earthlings! It is me Holly here aka the Geek Guru. My old blog, It's the Geek Guru is no longer accessible to me because I forgot the login information. So sad! It is still up and you can view old posts but I can no longer post on that account. If you would like to reads those posts and see what kind of things I blog about here is the link http://itsthegeekguru.blogspot.com/
Well, let us not dwell on the negative! I am back and planning to stick with blogging this time... No promises because I go through unique phases where I love things then a week later I get bored. Which, brings me to the topic of this blog. I plan on making this about my current obsession ranging from clothing to novels to television. I am 100% open to suggestions and anything anyone is interested in reading. I honestly know probably no one is ever going to read this... But hey, long live!
I feel as if I shall give a little background knowledge about myself. I am 15 years old and obviously a female. I have little to none interests which is extremely unhealthy. I am mainly an introvert but I do like to let loose every so often... Watch out! Quick go hide in a cave! Back to my lovely self... I do though happen to enjoy theatre, mainly of the musical kind. Even though I have a horrendous voice... eeeek! I also love spending quality time with my dog, a maltipoo.
My dog and I |