Thursday, March 1, 2012

Say No to Sweats!

You live one life, so why waste it in oversized sweatpants? An epidemic I have seen sweeping our nation for years now is the sloppy sweatpants style. People claim they want to be warm or want to be comfortable and worse cases they claim they are too lazy. All of those excuses should not be tolerated! Is it really that hard to slip on a pair of jeans? Is is really that uncomfortable wearing soft leggings with a dress, skirt or long tee? Truth is... (no this isn't some lame Facebook status) no, no it is not hard at all and everyone should take a step into looking there best. You never know when you may get discovered. I am not saying that just because you wear sweatpants every so often that you are a sinner, I am just saying if you wear sweatpants every week you are in the need of a wake up call!

So Ugly!

I am not saying never wear sweatpants because there is a time and place for them. Acceptable times to sport sweatpants are working out at the gym, weekends, lounging at home, or quick arronds.

Rachel Bilson at the Grocery store, semi accpetable

                                      Miley Cyrus on a way to a workout, OK.

Hopefully I am not being too rude! I am just stating my personal opinion. As an alternative to sweat pants one may enjoy leggings with a long shirt or a skirt or a dress. (mentioned earlier)

Girl on the left is wearing leggings and a semi long shirt a perfect alternative to sweats! (haha isn't she so cute... that is me)

Here is an example of jeans! Jeans aren't the best but a whole lot better than sweatpants!!

Thanks for stopping by and reading! I hope you all are having a better day than I had... haha Anyways, adios backaroos.

Photo Credit: Google Images ,, and Natalie's Facebook


  1. haha sweatpants are not everyday pants!
    love your poppy background! so pretty! can't wait to read more
    welcome to IFB :)

    1. Haha I know I hate when people wear them! Thanks for reading!!

  2. OMG great post! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Last year I made a decison not to wear sweat pants any more because its to easy to fling them on on the morning and I wanted to make sure I out a certan amout of effort in to my apperance everyday.!/Wotshernameagai

    1. Oh nice! I wish you the best on the temptation not to wear them! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. I agree. Sweat pants are not a good look and I'm not a fan of jeans either. However I do agree that they are a better than sweat pants.

    1. Yea! I agree with the jeans I barely ever wear them

  5. I could not agree with this more. Love it! Nat looks so cute in that picture ^^ :)
